Club Dues

Club Dues

The deductibility of dues to golf clubs, boat clubs, flying clubs and similar clubs is an often asked question. Under the rules established in the last major tax law overhaul this question was clarified. The answer is that any membership dues paid to a club for business, leisure, recreation, country club or other social purposes…

Crypto Crash Tax Consequences

Crypto Crash Tax Consequences

It is clear that losses from Cryptocurrency transactions can be offset against other capital gains incurred during a tax year. Losses in excess of those gains are limited to $3,000 and the balance must be carried forward to future years. In the wake of the Crypto crash and downturn in the stock market this is…

Do I qualify for Research and Development Credits?

Do I qualify for Research and Development Credits?

Do not think of research and development in the classic sense of people in white coats tinkering with test tubes and beakers. Nowadays, in our technology driven world, think of research and development as improving products, developing better internal processes and techniques, software development and of course new products or inventions. Why is this important?…